[texworks] SCRIPTING: Web page Linking back into Issue 261 Scripts
Henrik Skov Midtiby
henrikmidtiby at gmail.com
Wed Jul 20 13:27:22 CEST 2011
Hi Paul,
> I'll just point at [1] that to make sure that people always get the latest.
Nice solution.
> 0n Tw "issues" there are a total of three entries over time for your
> script. You may not be aware, but as the author of those entries you
> can delete any obsolete ones that you want to.
This has now been cleaned up.
> Shall I use the Description text from your most recent entry?
> http://code.google.com/p/texworks/issues/detail?id=261#c60
Please do, it is the most updated description that is available.
Best regards,
On 20 July 2011 12:33, Paul A Norman <paul.a.norman at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for getting back Henrik, much appreciated.
> On 19 July 2011 23:50, Henrik Skov Midtiby <henrikmidtiby at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Paul,
>> Feel free to upload the autocomplete script to your site, the newest
>> version can always be found at [1].
> I'll just point at [1] that to make sure that people always get the latest.
>> Can you also embed / add a link to the video at [2]? It is a small
>> demonstration of the script.
> Happily link to that for you Henrik.
>> Best regards,
>> Henrik Skov Midtiby
> 0n Tw "issues" there are a total of three entries over time for your
> script. You may not be aware, but as the author of those entries you
> can delete any obsolete ones that you want to. Just log in under the
> identity you used when you first created an entry, and a "Delete
> comment" option should show at the top of the entry
> http://code.google.com/p/texworks/issues/detail?id=261#c39
> http://code.google.com/p/texworks/issues/detail?id=261#c42
> http://code.google.com/p/texworks/issues/detail?id=261#c60
> You can replace them and make a link to your
> https://github.com/henrikmidtiby/autocompleteForTexworks if you want
> to.
> Shall I use the Description text from your most recent entry?
> http://code.google.com/p/texworks/issues/detail?id=261#c60
> "Context based autocompleter for completing words used in the open
> document, arguments to label and ref and as a new feature filename
> autocompletion for include, input and includegraphics commands.
> Guide to use.
> 1. start typing the long word that should be autocompleted
> 2. press "<crtl> + m" and the autocompleter will complete the word or
> at least make a suggestion for a completion.
> 3. if not satisfied with the suggestion press "<crtl> + m" until the
> correct word is found.
> Kind regards,
> Paul
>> [1] https://github.com/henrikmidtiby/autocompleteForTexworks
>> [2] http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6388672/autocomplete.mpeg
>> On 19 July 2011 01:47, Paul A Norman <paul.a.norman at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> To help people find scripts, I just wanted to run past people that I
>>> would like to link back into individual (current/active) scripts on
>>> the issues page (261)
>>> http://code.google.com/p/texworks/issues/detail?id=261&can=5
>>> from TwScript.PaulANorman.info
>>> Does any one have any objections please?
>>> These links, with some text and attribution, would appear on the
>>> opening page on http://twscript.paulanorman.info/downloads/
>>> Paul
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