[texworks] Unwanted side-effect of <tab> : how to avoid ?
Paul A Norman
paul.a.norman at gmail.com
Mon Jun 13 01:36:36 CEST 2011
Its probably worth mentioning that the range of autocompletition(s)
shown is limited by typing a letter or two after the {
will only show auto completions for c.... and
Is even more restrictive getting you to
--straight away,
the Crtl-<tab> then moving you to the bullet point • when you want to
get there after typing/pasting something into the environment area.
I wonder, if this is a concern needing addressing, (flying a kite here) ...
Then if as Crtl-<tab> is needed to activate the second auto-completion
function - moving to the bullet(s) if present -
is it worth considering changing the initialising key stroke for the
first part of auto-competition from a simple <tab> to Crtl-<tab> as
Perhaps in preferences as a choice, to accommodate the many users
presently now successfully using auto-completion as it already works?
> would it not make sense for TeXworks
> to inspect the currently selected typesetting engine,
> ... to offer completions
> only from the set that are known to be compatible with the
> engine selected ?
Things might not be quite as straight forward but might be possible by
focussing on individual .txt files in ... <Tw config>/completion/
I (and others) already use Tw for processes which I appreciate (and
supply) auto-completion for, which do not relate directly to any
particular typesetting engine, e.g. direct editing of a bibliography
file, Tw QtScript files (an old list soon to be updated hopefully:-
http://twscript.paulanorman.com/docs/html/TexWorksQtScripting.htm ),
and a range of other things.
> I work exclusively with XeTeX,
> so neither Beamer nor LaTeX completions could possibly be of
> any interest.
I did not realise there was no cross over at all with LaTeX, XeTeX is
going to be interesting new territory for me then.
On 13 June 2011 08:07, Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)
<P.Taylor at rhul.ac.uk> wrote:
> Alain Delmotte wrote:
>> This is coming from auto-completion.
>> if you keep pressing [Tab] you will have a lot more.
>> alertenv is coming from the tw-beamer.txt file, but if you press [Tab]
>> long you will also have those from tw-latex.txt.
> This seems very odd : would it not make sense for TeXworks
> to inspect the currently selected typesetting engine, and
> then /if/ the user wants auto-completion, to offer completions
> only from the set that are known to be compatible with the
> engine selected ? In my case, I work exclusively with XeTeX,
> so neither Beamer nor LaTeX completions could possibly be of
> any interest.
> ** Phil.
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