[texworks] Another experimental Mac build

Dohyun Kim nomosnomos at gmail.com
Fri Jun 10 06:57:13 CEST 2011

2011/6/10 Charlie Sharpsteen <chuck at sharpsteen.net>:
> Hey everyone,
> I just posted two new Mac binaries:
>    For Leopard:
>    https://github.com/downloads/Sharpie/TeXworks/TeXworks.0.5.0-836-d471e94-Leopard.dmg
>    For Snow Leopard:
>    https://github.com/downloads/Sharpie/TeXworks/TeXworks.0.5.0-836-d471e94-SLeopard.dmg
> ** NOTE: These links are semi-permanent. Old builds may be deleted in
> order to free disk space for new builds. **
> This build is entirely skippable as there are no new features or
> user-visible changes.  The purpose of this build is to field-test
> changes to Poppler that retrieve missing font information directly
> from OS X rather than the X11-based Fontconfig library. TeX normally
> embeds all information into the PDF files it generates, so this change
> should have no impact on normal TeXworks usage.  If anyone downloads
> this release and runs into problems with font rendering, please let me
> know---I am planning to submit patches to the Poppler project in a few
> weeks if TeXworks is still running smoothly.

I can't see any difference from the previous build.
When base14-fonts.pdf being opened, it turns out that
the following fonts are still working:

Times New Roman.ttf  for Times
HelveticaLight.ttf  for Helvetica (for Helverica-Bold as well)
/usr/X11/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/cour.pfa  for Courier

Again, mu character of Symbol face is still an empty box.
It seems that fontconfig library, instead of OSX native engine,
is still being used.  I have installed Snow Leopard build.

Dohyun Kim
College of Law, Dongguk University
Seoul, Republic of Korea

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