[texworks] Problem installing packages

Charlie Sharpsteen chuck at sharpsteen.net
Wed Jun 1 19:35:31 CEST 2011

On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 9:20 AM, Ng Kah Loon <kloon at nus.edu.sg> wrote:
> Well, many thanks for the responses so far....but I am sorry I still
> cannot get it...can anyone help to explain how I can run mktexlsr?
> I am using MacBook Air and TexWorks is installed in my 60GB Macintosh
> HD....I don't know what is the path....
> Please assist, thank you very much!

Good to know you are using a Mac---most of the replies in this thread
assumed you were running Windows.

Assuming you are using MacTeX or TeX Live as your distribution, the
first place you should turn for package installation is the TeX Live
Manager (or `tlmgr`). A nice Mac GUI is available at:


And was probably installed to /Applications/TeX if you installed the
full MacTeX distribution.

For packages like tkz-graph that aren't available through tlmgr, you
should place your LaTeX *.sty files and other package bits in:


    (or if you are using TeX Live instead of MacTeX)

Then just pop open /Applications/Utilities/Termina.app and type
`mktexlsr`. No sudo required.

Hope this helps,


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