[texworks] Problem installing packages

Ng Kah Loon kloon at nus.edu.sg
Wed Jun 1 18:20:43 CEST 2011

Well, many thanks for the responses so far....but I am sorry I still
cannot get it...can anyone help to explain how I can run mktexlsr?

I am using MacBook Air and TexWorks is installed in my 60GB Macintosh
HD....I don't know what is the path....

Please assist, thank you very much!

On 31/5/11 12:23 AM, "Reinhard Kotucha" <reinhard.kotucha at web.de> wrote:

>On 2011-05-30 at 16:18:34 +0100, Economides, Nicholas wrote:
> > Hi, 
> > 
> > the thing is that everyone say that we have to refresh the database
> > for the files, but since most of us do not have a degree in
> > programming, you guys should be a bit more specific.
>Please read the mails more carefully before confusing people.
>Andreas' answer was specific enough and what you propose doesn't work
>in this case.
> > Anyway, I found a way to do this and I hope Ng Kah Loon will find
> > it helpful as well:
> > 
> > find the file called mo_admin.exe which should be located at the
> > path miktex 2.9/miktex/bin/ Once you run it, you should get the
> > miktex options.  At the general page, click the "refresh FNDB"
> > button, and then the "update formats" button
> > 
> > This should help Miktex/Latex understand that you have just added
> > something new.
> > 
> > Before you do that, you should make sure that you pasted the
> > package folder that you have downloaded in to the path tex/latex
> > 
> > I believe after you have done that it should work.
>Is everything so complicated under MiKTeX?
>  Reinhard
>Reinhard Kotucha                                      Phone:
>Marschnerstr. 25
>D-30167 Hannover  
>mailto:reinhard.kotucha at web.de
>Microsoft isn't the answer. Microsoft is the question, and the answer is

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