[texworks] auto completion

Andreas Hirsch nishni_nowgorod at gaponline.de
Sun Apr 3 10:42:10 CEST 2011

Hi Stefan,

quoting Stefan Löffler, [03.04.2011 10:07 +0100]:
> On 2011-04-03 09:51, Andreas Hirsch wrote:

>> I have a related question:
>> Where ist a predifined completition for
>> bite:=\begin{itemize}#RET#\item#RET##INS##RET#\end{itemize}•
>> which expands to
>> \begin{itemize}
>> \item
>> \end{itemize}•
>> I would like to have it modified to
>> \begin{itemize}
>> \item
>> \end{itemize}
>> and tried therefore bit:=\begin{itemize}#RET#\item
>> #INS#\end{abstract}#RET# •
>> which expands to the same as the original - or is it due to the fact
>> that I could not override the predefined fils?
> Yes, overriding it should be possible.

The files are coded 'readonly' so I had to change this first.

> The file where this is defined is
> <resources>/completion/tw-latex.txt [1]. Note that there are two
> entries, though: one for "bite", and one for "\bite". Maybe this causes
> some confusion.

that's it: I have to comment out all occurences starting with bit or \bit

> BTW: your alternative definition seems flawed (\end{abstract}, for one
> thing), but I assume that's for testing only.

a typo ;-)

now things work _nearly_ als expected, the expanded text is:

\item \end{itemize}

Could it be solved that:

- \end{itemize} goes into the next line but
- no empty line is produced?

I mean


and the cursor is placed behind item?


'People, it has been said, can be placed in three classes:
  the few who makes things happen,
  the many, watching things happen and
  the overwhelming majority who have no idea what is happening.'
			Nicolas Murray Butler

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