[texworks] Compiling TeXworks on MacOSX
Stefan Löffler
st.loeffler at gmail.com
Sun Sep 27 09:03:10 CEST 2009
On 2009-09-26 20:52, Victor Ivrii wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 1:40 PM, Victor Ivrii <vivrii at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I tried to compile TW from the code received as
>> svn checkout http://texworks.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ texworks-read-only
>> on MacOSX 10.6.1 with XCode 3.2 (64 bit)
>> I have poppler (the latest), Qt4.5 installed from Mac Installer
>> qmake worked and generated XCode project, which I opened in XCode and
>> tried to build but it reported over 1000 errors
>> Have I missed something?
> Yes - I am missing. My poppler is compiled without qt4 and I am not
> sure how to make it with
> Building poppler with support for:
> splash output: yes
> cairo output: no
> abiword output: no
> qt wrapper: no
> qt4 wrapper: no
> glib wrapper: no
> use GDK: try
> use gtk-doc: no
> use libjpeg: yes
> use libpng: yes
> use zlib: no
> use libopenjpeg: no
> use cms: yes
> command line utils: yes
This looks like the output of a "configure" script. Normally, it should
be able to find the required files itself, but you may run `./configure
--help` to see how to pass custom paths to it.
I'm not a Mac developer (or user), so I can only speculate. Normally,
you need additional files for development/compilation that are not
normally included in the "standard" installations (e.g. of Qt). They
should include (among other things) lots of files with the extension .h.
If you don't have them, you can't compile anything involving Qt.
Unfortunately, since I have no experience with the Mac, I can't tell you
where to get those files easily.
Regarding the 1000 errors: they are likely to be caused by the same
problem. If you could post a few (preferably the first ones, if
accessible) we could check and possible work out a solution.
PS: AFAIK, only Jonathan is building Mac binaries routinely. There is
some guide to building on the wiki
(http://code.google.com/p/texworks/issues/detail?id=107), however I'm
not sure how complete it is, how well it works, and if all that is
mentioned is really necessary. So if you could come up with a guide how
you did things (once the compilation works ;)) it would be very helpful.
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