[texworks] Using BibTeX in TeXworks

Berend Hasselman bhh at xs4all.nl
Thu Sep 17 16:00:26 CEST 2009

On 16-09-2009, at 23:43, Colin McLarty wrote:

> I can’t find anything in the TeXworks manual about using BibTeX.  And
> in fact when I try  using TeXworks on a file I have been writing in
> WinEdt, then  TeXworks ignores all  the BibTeX.
> I do indeed have the edit function set on pdfLaTeX + MakeIndex +
> Bibtex.   I am sure I’m missing something very simple, but I don’t
> know what.  How do I find out how to make it work?

It seems that you are using the TeXworks integrated in MiKTeX 2.8.
You are likely referring to the  Texify engine which will run  
Makeindex, BibTeX and pdfLaTeX as many times as required to resolve  
all references.


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