[texworks] ConTeXt setting
Alain Delmotte
esperanto at swing.be
Sat Sep 12 15:35:06 CEST 2009
Hans Hagen a écrit :
> Jonathan Kew wrote:
>> On 12 Sep 2009, at 09:54, Vyatcheslav Yatskovsky wrote:
>>> Hello Jonathan,
>>> I ask you to split ConTeXt option into ConTeXt mkII and ConTeXt mkIV.
>>> Current settings are valid for mark II.
>>> I attached Mark IV settings as a screenshot.
>> Thanks for this; seems like a good idea.
>> Does this automatically provide synctex support, or is an additional
>> argument needed for that? I think it should be included by default in
>> the texworks configuration. (I'm not at a computer with a full TeX
>> setup right now, so can't easily try it here.)
>> This is also needed for the Mk II commands, I guess: what is the
>> proper way to pass a synctex flag there?
> my advice to users is to put \synxtex=1 at the top of the file
> (personally i don't want it on by default and turning it off when on
> bt default is more hassle)
> Hans
I am learning to use ConTeXt (after EuroTeX where I discovered it --
even I did know about its existence before).
As I have had problem installing using the minimals installer (problem
with rsynch unable to link) I installed a copy of the installation of
Mari in
and I use the setupcontext.bat file by:
C:\WINDOWS\System32\cmd.exe /k C:\Programmes\Context\setuptex.bat (I
have mikTeX in parallel).
For the editor, of course I did choose TeXworks which I installed in:
It works (Mark IV), but using --synctex=1 (or -1) or \synctex=1 (or-1)
doesn't work "No synctex data available".
I am under Windows XP and there is no accented characters in any of the
path involved.
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