[texworks] Window Show Tags and Window Show Contents
Paul A Norman
paul.a.norman at gmail.com
Wed Sep 9 14:23:14 CEST 2009
Great Stuff!
So just to clarify things, when using things like
to get appropriate bookmark in editor tags, I can add
2009/9/9 Bruno Voisin <bvoisin at me.com>
> Le 9 sept. 2009 à 11:11, Stefan Löffler a écrit :
> And likewise, you can probably add custom entries to the pdf toc (either
>> through hyperref, I'm not sure if that's supported, or through some
>> specials). But the bottom line is: you need to add the data to the pdf
>> somehow, and hyperref is a convenient way to do that automatically.
> That's exactly what I've done recently, using (with the hyperref package)
> \phantomsection
> \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{<section-name>}
> to add a PDF bookmark at a point where there normally is none.
> Below is a screenshot showing source tags and PDF table of contents in
> parallel for a structured document, and the difference between the two.
> Another useful trick has been suggested to me on a list by CV
> Radhakrishnan, to enable automatic creation of PDF bookmarks while disabling
> automatic creation of hyperlinks within the PDF output (for section,
> equation, figure and table numbers and for bibliographic entries):
> \usepackage[%
> implicit=true,%
> bookmarks=true,%
> hyperfootnotes=false,%
> ]{hyperref}
> \makeatletter
> \AfterBeginDocument{\global\let\@setref=\real at setref}
> \makeatother
> Bruno
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