[texworks] Lua Extension - put into Sentance Case, Trim, Date Time, lowercase, uppercase
paul.a.norman at gmail.com
Wed Sep 2 11:44:43 CEST 2009
message from TeXworks user
I am very new to Lua as no doubt the following will confirm, but I have been able to hobble this together from the Tutorials and chm help and other Lua Wiki resources.
Share it in case it inspires any one else...
(Also wondering, does TW object expose any more properties or methods please?
Title: Sentance Case
Description: Puts Selection into Sentance Case beware of Proper Names being lowercased
Author: Paul A Norman From gleanings in Lua chm help Lua 5.1 Reference Manual, wiki, and tutorials
Version: 0.4
Date: 2009-09-02
Script-Type: standalone
-- Sentance Case
txt = TW.getSelectedText()
txt = string.lower(txt) -- normlaise case beware of Proper Names being lowercased
txt = txt:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1") -- trims spaces from front and, back - is impnt for checking for period dot (uk fullstop)
txt = " " .. txt:gsub("^%l", string.upper) -- puts first letter into capital adds space to front
i = string.len(txt)
rr = txt:sub(i)
if rr ~= "." then txt = txt .. "." end
txt = txt .. " " -- adds space to end to avoid collissions, LaTeX doesn't worry about extra spaces if we over do it
Title: Trim
Description: Trims Selection
Author: Paul A Norman From gleanings in Lua chm help Lua 5.1 Reference Manual, wiki, and tutorials
Version: 0.1
Date: 2009-09-02
Script-Type: standalone
-- Trim blanks from front and back
txt = TW.getSelectedText()
txt = txt:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1")
Title: Title Case
Description: Puts Selection into Title Case
Author: Paul A Norman From gleanings in Lua chm help Lua 5.1 Reference Manual, wiki, and tutorials
Version: 0.1
Date: 2009-09-02
Script-Type: standalone
--Change an entire string to Title Case (i.e. capitalise the first letter of each word)
local function tchelper(first, rest)
return first:upper()..rest:lower()
-- Add extra characters to the pattern if you need to. _ and ' are
-- found in the middle of identifiers and English words.
-- We must also put %w_' into [%w_'] to make it handle normal stuff
-- and extra stuff the same.
-- This also turns hex numbers into, eg. 0Xa7d4
txt = TW.getSelectedText()
txt = string.lower(txt)
txt = txt:gsub("(%a)([%w_']*)", tchelper)
Title: Date Time
Description: Puts Date Time in
Author: Paul A Norman From gleanings in Lua chm help Lua 5.1 Reference Manual, wiki, and tutorials
Version: 0.1
Date: 2009-09-02
Script-Type: standalone
-- txt = TW.getSelectedText()
Title: Lowercase
Description: Puts Selection into Lowercase
Author: Paul A Norman From gleanings in Lua chm help Lua 5.1 Reference Manual, wiki, and tutorials
Version: 0.1
Date: 2009-09-02
Script-Type: standalone
txt = TW.getSelectedText()
txt = string.lower(txt)
Title: Uppercase
Description: Puts Selection into Uppercase
Author: Paul A Norman From gleanings in Lua chm help Lua 5.1 Reference Manual, wiki, and tutorials
Version: 0.1
Date: 2009-09-02
Script-Type: standalone
txt = TW.getSelectedText()
txt = string.upper(txt)
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