[texworks] feedback on TeXworks r.357 (Mac)
Alain Delmotte
esperanto at swing.be
Thu Aug 13 10:02:30 CEST 2009
Hi Daniel,
I answer for what I am involved or I had some experience.
Daniel Becker a écrit :
> 1) Smart Quotes: Once I understood where to define my personal command
> for quotes, I like the mechanism that replaces " with \enquote{ or }
> depending on the context. But TeXWorks doesn't remember that I want
> "Smart Quotes" to be enabled as a default. And: I do not understand
> the reason why there are different modes: TeX Ligatures vs.
> TeXcommands vs. Unicode vs. none
I also would like that the system remembers the quotes system selected
For the different modes, most probably it depends on the use: Unicode
gives the symbols themselves -- glyphs (?) inserted at the keyboard --,
TeX ligatures as well, but à la TeX -- to bee created at typesetting,
most probably this will manage different font's systems --, but the TeX
commands could allow you to redefine them in your source, so allowing
> 2) manual: could the toc in the html help include the third level,
> too? Such that I can find "4.5.4 Smart quotes" in the toc? Could there
> also be a menu-item "open manual as PDF" (either in TeXWorks or in the
> default pdf-viewer)?
For the toc in html, I'll do and offer both; but not very soon -- at
least I think -- as I'll be away next week, the week after I'll be fully
busy and after I'll be at EuroTeX2009.
> 3) When the compilation of a text fails, it would be great if the
> console window at the bottom would offer me to abort the process and
> to remove the aux files. I don't have the console bar that is shown in
> the manual.
?? This is for Jonathan. ! You are working on a Mac?!
> 7) I immediately felt the need to edit the templates, adjust
> smart-quotes-modes.txt, add an engine for latexmk and so on. It would
> really be great if user-defined files could be stored separate from
> those that come with TeXworks, too allow for an easier update-process.
Could you explain what you prepared with latexmk, I was going to test it
for LaTeX, MakeIndex, Bibtex, LaTeX, LaTeX.
I have all the configuration file in a folder separate from the
programme file for an easy access ("using texworks-setup.ini" in the
programme folder to tell where it is). My templates are in a proper
folder under "templates" along "Basic LaTeX Documents", "Beamer
Have a good day,
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