[texworks] Issues with translation
lomov.vl at gmail.com
Tue Aug 11 06:01:46 CEST 2009
I found some oddities with TeXworks while translating its interface.
First, if I do Format -> Auto-indent Mode -> (List) I see list of possible
variants: Whitespace only, ... but seems that the only source for these
strings is in the file 'res/resfiles/configuration/auto-indent-patters.txt'
(the file is used in 'src/CompletingEdit.cpp').
Although it is not a problem to translate this file it is quite inconvenient
to translate file which is unique for all languages.
Many of TeX/LaTeX users in Russia familiar with English and it is not a
problem that there are English words in TeXworks interface. On the other side
it is strange that in the program which have interface translated to Russian
some items in Menu are in foreign language.
The same concerns Format -> Smart Quotes -> (List).
Secondly, these issues may be related with my Qt installation but I have
checked them on my laptop (Ubuntu, Qt 4.5.2) and my home Desktop (Slamd64, Qt
4.5.1) but:
In dialog "TeXworks Preferences" button "Restore Defaults" is not translated
and I could not find this string in 'trans/TeXworks_ru.ts' (generated by
lupdate). The same with "Discard" button in a dialog appeared if someone tries
to close TeXworks with unsaved changes in a file.
Search results:
~/src/texworks-svn$ grep -R "Restore Defaults" *
Binary file obj/qrc_resfiles.o matches
Binary file res/resfiles/translations/.svn/text-base/qt_ja.qm.svn-base matches
Binary file res/resfiles/translations/.svn/text-base/qt_fr.qm.svn-base matches
Binary file res/resfiles/translations/.svn/text-base/qt_ko.qm.svn-base matches
Binary file res/resfiles/translations/.svn/text-base/qt_zh_CN.qm.svn-base
Binary file res/resfiles/translations/.svn/text-base/qt_ar.qm.svn-base matches
Binary file res/resfiles/translations/.svn/text-base/qt_de.qm.svn-base matches
Binary file res/resfiles/translations/.svn/text-base/qt_ru.qm.svn-base matches
Binary file res/resfiles/translations/.svn/text-base/qt_nl.qm.svn-base matches
Binary file res/resfiles/translations/qt_zh_CN.qm matches
Binary file res/resfiles/translations/qt_ar.qm matches
Binary file res/resfiles/translations/qt_de.qm matches
Binary file res/resfiles/translations/qt_fr.qm matches
Binary file res/resfiles/translations/qt_ja.qm matches
Binary file res/resfiles/translations/qt_ko.qm matches
Binary file res/resfiles/translations/qt_nl.qm matches
Binary file res/resfiles/translations/qt_ru.qm matches
Binary file texworks matches
trans/.svn/text-base/qt_ko.ts.svn-base: <source>Restore
trans/qt_ko.ts: <source>Restore Defaults</source>
~/src/texworks-svn$ grep -R "Discard" *
Binary file obj/qrc_resfiles.o matches
Binary file res/resfiles/translations/.svn/text-base/qt_ja.qm.svn-base matches
Binary file res/resfiles/translations/.svn/text-base/qt_fr.qm.svn-base matches
Binary file res/resfiles/translations/.svn/text-base/qt_ko.qm.svn-base matches
Binary file res/resfiles/translations/.svn/text-base/qt_zh_CN.qm.svn-base
Binary file res/resfiles/translations/.svn/text-base/qt_ar.qm.svn-base matches
Binary file res/resfiles/translations/.svn/text-base/qt_de.qm.svn-base matches
Binary file res/resfiles/translations/.svn/text-base/qt_ru.qm.svn-base matches
Binary file res/resfiles/translations/.svn/text-base/qt_nl.qm.svn-base matches
Binary file res/resfiles/translations/qt_zh_CN.qm matches
Binary file res/resfiles/translations/qt_ar.qm matches
Binary file res/resfiles/translations/qt_de.qm matches
Binary file res/resfiles/translations/qt_fr.qm matches
Binary file res/resfiles/translations/qt_ja.qm matches
Binary file res/resfiles/translations/qt_ko.qm matches
Binary file res/resfiles/translations/qt_nl.qm matches
Binary file res/resfiles/translations/qt_ru.qm matches
src/.svn/text-base/TeXDocument.cpp.svn-base: QMessageBox::Save |
QMessageBox::Discard | QMessageBox::Cancel);
src/TeXDocument.cpp: QMessageBox::Save |
QMessageBox::Discard | QMessageBox::Cancel);
Binary file texworks matches
trans/.svn/text-base/qt_ko.ts.svn-base: <source>Discard</source>
trans/qt_ko.ts: <source>Discard</source>
Best regards, Vladimir
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