[texworks] new binaries posted for Windows and OS X (r357)
Jonathan Kew
jfkthame at googlemail.com
Mon Aug 10 11:37:01 CEST 2009
On 10 Aug 2009, at 10:27, Bruno Voisin wrote:
> It seems you've also modified the viewer so that when the mouse
> moves over a hyperlink the pointer changes and the URL is displayed
> in a small yellow box. Nice!
Oh yes, I forgot to mention that. Actually, the pointer change was
already there, but the link tooltip was added in r354.
> There's still this bug though (coming from Poppler I imagine)
> related to non-alphanumeric characters: a URL containing %3C say for
> "<" is displayed as %3C in the small box, but when the user clicks
> on the URL the "%" is expanded to %25 before being passed on to the
> web browser yielding %253C which the browser doesn't understand.
> Below is a small test file. On the Mac, with TeXworks the first URL
> doesn't work but the second does, whereas in TeXShop, Preview and
> Adobe Acrobat the first URL works and the second doesn't.
Thanks for the reminder; yes, I should try to fix this before the TL
release if possible.
> Bruno
> %%%%% Test file %%%%%
> \documentclass{article}
> \usepackage{doi}
> \begin{document}
> \noindent
> \doi{10.1175/1520-0485(2002)032<2882:TROITI>2.0.CO;2}
> \par
> \bigskip
> % In TeXworks, needs modification of doi.sty
> % such that "<" and ">" are left as they are and
> % translation to "%3C" and "%3E" is left to the previewer
> \makeatletter
> \def\@doi#1{%
> \let\#\relax
> \let\_\relax
> \let\textless\relax
> \let\textgreater\relax
> \edef\x{\toks0={{#1}}}%
> \x
> \edef\#{\@percentchar23}%
> \edef\_{_}%
> % \edef\textless{\@percentchar3C}% instead of {\string<} for Apple
> % \edef\textgreater{\@percentchar3E}% instead of {\sting>} for Apple
> \edef\textless{\string<}%
> \edef\textgreater{\string>}%
> \edef\x{\toks1={\noexpand\href{http://dx.doi.org/#1}}}%
> \x
> \edef\x{\endgroup\doitext\the\toks1 \the\toks0}%
> \x
> }
> \makeatother
> % Will work now in TeXworks
> \noindent
> \doi{10.1175/1520-0485(2002)032<2882:TROITI>2.0.CO;2}
> \end{document}
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