[texworks] Icon v7 (was: Icon v6+pen)
Stefan Löffler
st.loeffler at gmail.com
Thu Jul 23 07:33:01 CEST 2009
after some time here finally comes a new version for general inspection ;).
On 2009-07-17 01:33, Jérome Laurens wrote:
> Le 16 juil. 09 à 21:54, Jonathan Kew a écrit :
> Notice that the slot should be darker than the bottom side around.
> This is most certainly an error of the rendering engine and you won't
> be able to do anything about that.
I don't really agree with this point. Given that I use a (fill) light
from the front, at least some part of the (round) slot is bound to be
ideally oriented to reflect more light. Hence it's lighter. If i were to
position the light source below the type, this probably would change,
but I think the way it is now is more realistic.
> The same for the darker regions : the bottom edge of the T is very
> similar to the bottom side of the cube, but their are enlightened
> completely differently. Rather weird.
This admittedly was my bad. The T was set to smooth which meant that the
render engine interpolated the normal vectors over the whole surface -
which clearly was the wrong approach. Should be fixed now.
> The ink plots are microscopic. I am not sure if they are really necessary.
Agreed, so I removed them in the current version. I thought they added a
nice extra, but as you pointed out at this size they were really
microscopic. Unfortunately, I don't think I'm skilled enough to produce
convincing,macroscopic stains ;).
> Did you try to change the texture of your object?
> The type is highly magnified such that we should really see some
> defects like for the fi type of my previous mail.
> There are many free textures available on the net (google for images
> "texture aluminium")
> In general, the dimension of the texture file is twice the one of the
> cube.
I didn't particularly diddle with the defects, but I enhanced the
scratches and stuff that were in there all along.
In addition, I modeled a pen in Blender and added it to the image. Now I
did read the copyright concerns, but I thought it was worth a try. The
pen is obviously modeled after your image, but of course it's not an
exact copy. In particular, I omitted the clip, and the tip is quite
different. So I think it's pretty close to a generic pen, but I'm
interested to hear your arguments.
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