[texworks] Setup on Windows

Stefan Löffler st.loeffler at gmail.com
Sat Jul 11 20:04:57 CEST 2009


I was planning to create a all-in-one setup package (i.e. an installer)
for Windows for quite some time. Now I found myself having some time and
booting Windows again, so here it is.

The attached file is an Inno Setup script
(http://www.innosetup.com/isinfo.php). Inno Setup is free of charge and
open source (it's licensed under it's own license, though). To create
the installer, start by installing Inno Setup. Then replace the
(numerous) occurrences of the path to the texworks directory by the path
on your system. Finally, build the Inno Setup executable (there's a
button for that in the interface). You should end up with a file named
TeXworks-setup.exe which, when executed, presents you with a nice,
familiar installer.

Note that this is obviously only intended if TW is distributed as
stand-alone (and not e.g. as part of an other, larger system such as
TeXLive which has its own means of distribution). Of course it's not
intended for rapidly changing executables such as the latest builds
(mainly because it includes all the dlls), either. It should, however,
be useful for an official release version (such as the upcoming 0.1
version), because it
 * packs all the required executables/dlls/etc. into one file
 * presents a familiar installer to the user
 * allows some standard installation steps, such as the creation of
icons on the desktop and/or in the start menu or the association of .tex
and/or .pdf files with TeXworks.

Hope you like it and it helps lowering the entry barrier to the TeX
world a little more ;).

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