[texworks] German translation updates
Stefan Löffler
st.loeffler at gmail.com
Wed Jul 8 18:50:35 CEST 2009
On 2009-07-08 17:49, Steffen Wolfrum wrote:
> Am 08.07.2009 um 16:22 schrieb Stefan Löffler:
>> Steffen Wolfrum schrieb:
>>> Jonathan: way did you make it grayed out?
>>> In my opinion it does make sense to perform a search in a selected area
>>> sometimes only up to the end and the other time running around!
>> When you have selected text, there usually is no notion of a cursor
>> position (well, there is one, but the cursor is usually either at the
>> beginning or at the end). AFAIK, there's no way to first select, say, a
>> paragraph, and then move the cursor into that paragraph without
>> destroying the selection.
> Oh, obviously I mixed too much and wrote something completely confused
> ;o)
> What I ment was this:
> In the japanese editor jeditx (see screenshot attached to my previous
> email) the two descriptions HOW and WHERE to perform a search/replace
> - either using "wrap around" or not, using "search all" or not, using
> "search backwards" or not
> - and the distinction between either searching in a selection or the
> entire document
> stand side-by-side.
> Looking at the FindDialog of TexWorks I didn't understand why by
> choosing one option some options are grayed out.
> For example:
> Doesn't it make sense to perform a "search/replace all" some time only
> in a selected area and the other time in the entire document?!
Yes, surely that makes sense. However "in the selection" and "in the
entire document" are mutually exclusive. You can't search using both
simultaneously. Because only one of the options makes sense at any given
time, if one is selected the other one is disabled.
What I meant by my previous post was this (maybe I can make it clearer
this time ;)): the search/replace should start at the current cursor
position (which it seems not to do in some cases with replace, as
reported by other translators, but that's another story). When it
reaches the end of the document, it should continue at the beginning if
"wrap around" is chosen. That's one part of the story.
If, on the other hand, you have a selection, this means that the cursor
is currently positioned either at the beginning or at the end of the
selection. Now we have two possibilities:
1) The cursor is at the beginning of the selection. In this case,
wrapping around when we reach the end doesn't make sense, because then
we've already searched the whole selection.
2) The cursor is at the end of the selection. In this case, we have to
wrap around to the beginning if we want to perform any search at all.
So whichever situation we find ourselves in, there's only one sensible
"wrap around" value. There's really no choice for the user.
The only possible case in which letting the user choose whether or not
to "wrap around" would be if there were a way to define a selection in
which to search in an uncommon way (i.e., in such a way that we can
still position the cursor at an arbitrary position (preferably inside
that selection ;))).
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