[texworks] German translation updates
Thomas Floeren
thomas.floeren at boschung.com
Wed Jul 8 16:00:42 CEST 2009
Steffen Wolfrum <> scribbled on Wednesday, July 08, 2009 3:42 PM:
> 1)
> To translate "Wrap around" with "Im ganzen Dokument" looks wrong to
> me:
> "Im ganzen Dokument" (= in entire document) is the opposite of "In der
> Auswahl" (= in selection).
> But we already have "Search in selection" as an extra option, right?
> So it would read nonsense to check both: "Suche in Auswahl" and "Im
> ganzen Dokument"!
In my copy of TeXworks I cannot check both. When I check "Search in
selection", "Wrap around" is grayed out. And I guess, this is good so, because
as you said, the two options are not compatible.
> I think it should be an adverb, as it is an additional option for
> searching in either the document or a selection.
> So how do I search when "Wrap around" is checked?
> Isn't it to search "umlaufend" (= circular) or "durchlaufend"?
> Damn ... it really is difficult!
> 2)
> "Typeset" for sure should be translated with "Setzen".
> First because it is the correct translation
> and second because it is done for many years now in "TexShop", so at
> least Mac users are used to it ;o)
> Steffen
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