[texworks] German translation updates
Thomas Floeren
thomas.floeren at boschung.com
Tue Jul 7 12:46:05 CEST 2009
Steffen Wolfrum <> scribbled on Tuesday, July 07, 2009 11:42 AM:
> The only "Tile" that I found on my mac is translated to German as
> "Gekachelt" in "System preferences > Desktop":
> Here the chosen background image is scaled in such way that it makes a
> pattern covering the entire screen.
> Is this what TexWorks "Tile" would mean, too?
In this case "gekachelt" is correct because the desktop background image is
really used as tile, ne next to the other, to fill up the whole space (in the
sense of a mosaic).
But what TeXworks does when I hit "Tile" is rather the same thing that the Mac
does in Exposé when you choose "All windows" or "Program windows": it arranges
(distributes) the actually open windows over the screen. That's why I would
call this "verteilen".
> Anyway:
> Reading the pros and cons of so many different suggestions
> and coming back to real work I felt quite happy that the menu items
> (ie the item's words) in the various applications that I used were
> most often the same.
> [In English just think of "File > Open", "Edit > Copy", "Edit >
> Paste", "File > Close"]
> If "Window > Stack" and "Window > Tile" are normally translated to
> "Fenster > Stapeln" and "Fenster > Kacheln" then it would be best to
> use this, just because it is common practice, kind of standard.
> Only I can't tell if it is really a standard, for I couldn't find
> these phrases translated in any app that I use.
> Cheers
> Steffen
> Am 07.07.2009 um 10:19 schrieb Thomas Floeren:
>> justmytwowcents:
>> "Stapeln" would be the best choice because
>> - the verb is quite common and thus understandable in this context.
>> - "Übereinander" is not as precise than "stapeln"; "stapeln" (in
>> this context) is a special arrangement of "übereinander" which
>> describes exactly this specific windows behaviour: "übereinander"
>> with a slight offset so that every window is still accessible.
>> "Kacheln" is - IMO - not a common word in this context, and can
>> perfectly be replaced with "verteilen".
>> So, my proposal: Fenster ... "Stapeln" and "Verteilen"
>> Greetings
>> Thomas
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: texworks-bounces at tug.org [mailto:texworks-bounces at tug.org] On
>> Behalf Of Peter Wüsten
>> Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 2009 9:27 AM
>> To: Discuss the TeXworks front end.
>> Subject: Re: [texworks] German translation updates
>> Steffen Wolfrum wrote
>>> And the verb "Kacheln" is quite special too ... (only used in real
>>> life when you construct your own house :-)
>> ... and yet I think the meaning is still intuitive, as the verb
>> implies "arranging several of the same all over the place in a
>> perfectly well-ordered fashion". IMHO it is quite to the point, and
>> I can't think of any alternative (I don't believe there is one for
>> 'to tile', either).
>>> So, I am not a linguist but Peter's proposal sounds very clever to
>>> me!
>> <blush> ;-)
>> Cheers,
>> Peter
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