[texworks] translation updates
Mojca Miklavec
mojca.miklavec.lists at gmail.com
Mon Jul 6 20:05:32 CEST 2009
I'm impressed by the translation interface. After seing the sentence
"Found %n occurrence(s)" I started thinking how to send a feature
request since I was not able to squeeze the translation into a single
sentence properly to account for different numbers ... and then I
realized that there were actually four input fields for four different
sentence forms. Jonathan ... thanks a lot!!!
I'm almost done with translation, but that's all that I was able to
come up with until now ... In order to be able to polish and fix
translations, I would need to be using the translated interface for a
while, but I don't know how to do that.
(I need instructions for Mac, though maybe not for long any more; I'm
carrying it to support in order to fix any of the remaining 5 issues
after 7 times being repaired already.)
There's one word that I'm not capable of translating, namely
"Typesetting/Typeset". Arghhhh!!! There is an official translation
(bearing the same meaning as "to bet"), but no user would guess what
it means (me included) when seeing it in a program like this.
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