[texworks] Select/Paste not working

vext01 at gmail.com vext01 at gmail.com
Sun Jun 7 14:16:54 CEST 2009

On Sun, Jun 07, 2009 at 01:11:09PM +0100, Jonathan Kew wrote:
> This may be related to how TeXworks overrides some mouse-click behaviors 
> (primarily because the default selection behavior in Qt's text edit isn't 
> suitable for TeX editing).
> Could someone give a clear description of exactly what you expect to  
> happen on a middle-click?

Highlight text within texworks, then middle click in any other X11 app
should paste. It seems it does not in TeX works.

Works the other way fine (select text in other X11 app, middle click
paste into TeX works).


Best Regards

Edd Barrett
(Freelance software developer / technical writer / open-source developer)


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