[texworks] Simplified Chinese translation for TeXworks

yinhe zhang crickzhang1 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 20 16:14:34 CET 2009

I have translated the TeXworks interface to Simplified Chinese.
I have test it on my Linux box (ubuntu 8.04) and it works fine,  though  may
need more polishing.
See the attachments and just have a try. I hope it will be helpful for
Chinese users.

But I don't know how and where to commit the translation files, 'cos I am
not veteran on googlecode.

I translated the .ts file according to the "Translating" wiki page, but I
have also modified two files and recompiled
 to manage it work, which are not mentioned in the Translating wiki page.
I dont't know if it is a must, but in my case I did that to work. I am not
good at programming :(

TeXworks.pro, add the .ts file:

TRANSLATIONS    +=    trans/TeXworks_ar.ts \
                    trans/TeXworks_de.ts \
                    trans/TeXworks_fr.ts \
                    trans/TeXworks_it.ts \
                    trans/TeXworks_nl.ts \
                    trans/TeXworks_ru.ts \
                    trans/TeXworks_tr.ts \

and res/resfiles.qrc:


 I at first thought it may not need recompiling to make TeXworks use the
translation pack.

Forgive my poor english.
Yinhe Zhang
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