[texworks] Trying to build TeXworks on Xubuntu 8.10

Iwan Setyawan isetyawan at gmail.com
Tue Jan 20 03:51:46 CET 2009

I think this might be indeed the case. What I did was actually to edit the
postinst script and rebuild the .deb. Now it works and I can build TeXworks
successfully. Your suggestion might have been a better solution, though.
What I did is inelegant at best and dangerous at worst! :)

Anyway, thanks for the answer.

- Iwan

On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 5:25 AM, Karl Berry <karl at freefriends.org> wrote:

>    >> install-info: No dir file specified; try --help for more information.
>    >> dpkg: error processing comerr-dev (--install):
> Is the exact install-info invocation shown?
> I expect that the underlying problem is that Debian install-info is
> different from GNU (texinfo) install-info.  Perhaps you are getting GNU
> i-i, say from TeX Live, and the package is certainly expecting Debian.
> If so, there's an easy solution: (re)move the TL install-info.
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