[texworks] Hot keys / templates

Joseph Wright joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk
Tue Nov 25 21:29:36 CET 2008

Jonathan Kew wrote:
> Suggested alternatives would be welcome; it doesn't necessarily have to
> be the same on all platforms, although uniformity does make it easier
> for people who use more than one (or interact with others on different
> platforms).
> Does Ctrl-TAB do anything special on Windows, or would that be a
> possibility? (We can't use the corresponding Cmd-TAB on the Mac, though,
> as that is the OS X shortcut to switch between programs.)

Ctrl-TAB switches between tabs in tab-aware programs (such as Firefox,
WinEdt, ...) so is probably not a great idea.  Ctrl-Space is what I've
seen in other programs for this type of function: it seems to be free
(on Windows) and is not too bad to remember.  So that would give:

Tab		Next autocompletion option
Shift-Tab	Previous autocompletion option

Ctrl-Space		Next "bullet"
Shift-Ctrl-Space	Previous "bullet"

This all seems quite nice to me.
Joseph Wright

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