[texshop] TeXShop 4.34
Richard Koch
koch at math.uoregon.edu
Tue Sep 3 23:41:15 CEST 2019
I got a note from UO mail services that their mail code failed this morning. Not the best day for me,
That's why I sent a second copy of the mail, which apparently got out.
I recomment those default values if they are set on a machine. But on your machine, none are
set. For two of them, the default value is as indicated in your message.
The one item that should be changed is
defaults write TeXShop UseTerminationHandler YES
It is NO by default in 4.34, but will be YES when this version is released. This assumes that you are running Sierra or later.
Richard Koch
koch at uoregon.edu
> On Sep 3, 2019, at 2:29 PM, Bruno Voisin via texshop <texshop at tug.org> wrote:
>> On 3 Sep 2019, at 21:12, Richard Koch <koch at math.uoregon.edu> wrote:
>> I'm sending this again since Herbert tells me the first version did not arrive.
> Indeed it didn't.
>> There is a new test version of TeXShop at
>> https://pages.uoregon.edu/koch/texshop434.zip
>> I'm hoping this version improves or fixes the "hang bug". I haven't tested this very much, and I'll wait for reports from you. If behavior improves, I'll explain the change.
> You wrote earlier, about test version 4.33:
>> I recommend setting
>> defaults write TeXShop DisplayLogInfo NO
>> This version outputs log info during typesetting, but I suspect the Notarized version I put on the web will not output logs. Rather than explain the logs, I suggest turning them off.
>> Also
>> defaults write TeXShop UseTerminationHandler YES
>> Originally when a NSTask ended, a notification was sent to all programs that asked to see it. But a more modern approach was later introduced, in which when you call the NSTask, you give it the routine which should run when it ends. I suggest using this more modern approach.
>> Also
>> defaults write TeXShop RepeatTypesetOnError13 NO
>> Herb is correct, that should be the number 13. I added to TeXShop some code that killed all aux files and ran the task again when the previous task ended with error 13. But that was klunky. We don't want to "work around" this error; instead we want to "get rid" of the error. This preference setting says to avoid the work around, and just see if the error is reduced or eliminated.
> Is this still current?
> In other words, are we supposed to change these options' values, even if none was set previously?
> On my setup:
> % defaults read TeXShop DisplayLogInfo
> 2019-09-03 23:21:55.552 defaults[4319:95556]
> The domain/default pair of (TeXShop, DisplayLogInfo) does not exist
> % defaults read TeXShop UseTerminationHandler
> 2019-09-03 23:22:20.901 defaults[4320:95654]
> The domain/default pair of (TeXShop, UseTerminationHandler) does not exist
> % defaults read TeXShop RepeatTypesetOnError13
> 2019-09-03 23:22:40.376 defaults[4327:95783]
> The domain/default pair of (TeXShop, RepeatTypesetOnError13) does not exist
> Bruno
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