[texshop] Some data points concerning TeXShop (4.22) compile freezes

Edward N. Zalta zalta at stanford.edu
Tue Jan 22 00:05:36 CET 2019

Dear Dick,
   Thanks for compiling and pointing us to TeXShop-4.23. I've been using it on my home MacPro for the past 4 hours, and have recompiled my large book 25 times or so.  Only once did something trigger a reset/recompile during a compile.  I can't say what caused it.  In any case, the situation is much improved.  I haven't used the hidden preference. 
   I'm sorry I don't have anything more useful to tell you. If I notice anything when I work from the office machine, I'll let you know.  But this version is much more useable, at least on my set-up, than 4.22.
Thanks again. I'm very appreciative.

> On Jan 21, 2019, at 8:26 AM, Richard Koch <koch at uoregon.edu> wrote:
> Edward and others,
> As promised, I am making available an experimental version of TeXShop:
> 	http://pages.uoregon.edu/koch/texshop423.zip
> Read the Changes document for the changes, but to summarize:
> 	a) makeIndex is fixed
> 	b) a hidden preference allows you to turn off the terminationHandler and return to the original method of telling TeXShop that tasks have concluded
> Dick Koch
> koch at uoregon.edu
>> On Jan 19, 2019, at 10:11 PM, Edward N. Zalta <zalta at stanford.edu> wrote:
>> Dear Dick,
>>  Thanks for your efforts on this. On all of my machines (2 Mac Pros, 1 MacBook Pro) running Mojave, I've now set /Applications/TeX/TeXShop.app to be a link to /Applications/TeX/TeXShop-4.01.app.  I also have TeXShop-4.22.app in that directory. So by just toggling the link to one of the other versions of TeXShop, I can test those other versions. If there is something you want me to test, please let me know, or just send me the app build.
>>  To see the book I'm writing that's causing the problem, I have a Draft/Excerpt online:
>> http://mally.stanford.edu/principia.pdf
>> But I usually compile it with /includeonly calls to about 6-10 chapters. 
>> All the best,
>> Yours,
>> Ed
>>> On Jan 19, 2019, at 6:01 PM, Richard Koch <koch at uoregon.edu> wrote:
>>>> On Jan 19, 2019, at 5:45 PM, Edward N. Zalta <zalta at stanford.edu> wrote:
>>>> Dear Bruno,
>>>> Thanks for the follow-up. I've been working on my laptop all day (away from home), but using TeXShop 4.01 with MacTeX-2018.  Recompiled my book numerous time and never a freeze. Not sure why.  In general, the freezing behavior seems to occur much more rarely with TeXShop 4.01. Not sure why.
>>>> Yours,
>>>> Ed
>>> I may be able to explain this; tomorrow I'll try to produce an experimental version of 4.22 which could help.
>>> Here's the explanation. Apple revised the NSTask procedure calls in Mojave and deprecated the old calls. When looking at the new calls, I also noticed that Apple provides a "terminationHandler" routine which is called when the task ends. This is an alternative to a "notification" which NSTask can send when routines end. This terminationHandler is not new in Mojave; it has existed for some time.
>>> In 4.22, I made three changes:
>>> 	1) I adopted the new NSTask calls
>>> 	2) I switched to the terminationHandler from the older notification
>>> 	3) within the terminationHandler, I tried to detect instances of the "bug" and work around them by trashing the aux file and then typesetting again.
>>> About four days ago, a user complained that makeIndex broke in version 4.22. This user was very helpful and agreed to send me his complete source code after stripping out the illustrations. He also modified the source so it did not expect the illustrations, so it typeset immediately for me. This allowed me to easily determine that makeIndex ALWAYS failed for him on 4.22, but worked on 4.21. Indeed, on 4.22, it got all the index items, and then said "sorting" in the log, but instead called the terminationHandler at that point.
>>> Since the changes between 4.21 and 4.22 were minor, I could then test them one by one to determine exactly what caused the problem. The new NSTask calls DID NOT cause the problem. The problem, instead, was caused by switching from the old notification to the newer terminationHandler.
>>> I promptly fixed 4.22 for that user, who is happy. But I didn't release the newer version.
>>> ---------------
>>> It is possible that Zaita's problem is also related to the terminationHandler, rather than to the new NSTask calls. It will be very easy to add a hidden preference which switches all typesetting back to the notification and away from the terminationHandler. When this preference item is selected,
>>> then the "fix" for the problem can no longer be implemented. 
>>> But that's OK, since at least in your case, and perhaps in others, the terminationHandler MIGHT be causing more problems than it fixed.
>>> I'll try to find time tomorrow for this experiment, and then write again.
>>> Dick Koch

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