[texshop] Experimental 4.25

Richard Koch koch at uoregon.edu
Thu Feb 14 23:20:37 CET 2019


About a week ago, I announced an experimental version 4.25 for people using an external editor:


This version has been replaced by another experimental version 4.25. It has the same external editor code.

But in addition, this version fixes a very important memory leak. On my machine, TeXShop claimed an additional 20 MB each type a document was typeset, and never gave it back. This could be the cause of the mysterious bug causing the console to suddenly stop reporting anything, sometimes because TeX stopped typesetting. 

I'd appreciate users downloaing and testing this. If you do not use an external editor, then the only thing changed is the "Flash Fix" code. Full details are in the Changes document in the TeXShop Help Menu.

Dick Koch

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