requesting tugboat articles

Mike Marchywka marchywka at
Sun Oct 2 14:29:24 CEST 2022

I'm not ready to write up anything but looking for competing packages
to things I have been doing to decide on context of any later submissions.
I've talked about "TooBib" at great length and that effort provides two
basic functions: 1) discovering bibtex entries associated with a given 
URL, and 2) adding document specific query strings to URL's in a bibliography
to allow a server to identify the source of any interest when a reader clicks
on an item.  Zotero seems to be the popular approach for this kind of thing. 
TooBib is more focused on bibtex discovery and a simple command line interface.

I have also run into a lot of cases of trying to make Tex tables
from csv files. This sounds simple but getting all the details automated
may be involved. In my c++ code, I had been using a lot of "vector of vectors"
and created a sort of spread sheet with variable line lengths that I 
call a ragged table. So, I ended up writing some utilities to manipulate csv
files via these data structures and output them as tex tables. 
If I keep at it, I will probably have a command line version of Excel lol.
So, I started down a path that looks like I'm making a virtual machine
or op-code interpreter similar to dvi but for operations on 
spreadsheets :)  Curious if this general set of things relates
to anything someone may have done with existing stuff. 


 Mike Marchywka 
44 Crosscreek Trail
Jasper GA 30143
was 306 Charles Cox Drive  Canton, GA 30115

From: texhax < at> on behalf of Karl Berry <karl at>
Sent: Saturday, October 1, 2022 5:44 PM
To: texhax at
Subject: requesting tugboat articles

The deadline for the next TUGboat issue is in about two weeks, namely
October 15. We have a good amount of material, but would welcome
additional articles on any TeX- or typography-related topic.

They do not have to be deeply TeXnical or be research-level content --
indeed, introductions, tutorials, surveys, and other general-interest
articles are of special interest to us (and are rarely submitted).

Info about writing for TUGboat:

Please consider writing up your TeX experiences. Thanks,
Karl (with TUGboat acquisitions editor hat, for this mail :)

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