Collimated beam of particles from a source.

Djones9976 djones9976 at
Mon Mar 14 22:39:56 CET 2022

This is the code I am using to generate a 3D graph of the particle flux plotted along the Z-axis emitted from a source located at the position of (x=0,y=-5).  What I want to do is to clip the flux plot along a line y=0.725x  so the flux emission resembles a collimated beam of particles.   I have tried every code I can think of to no avail.  Any help or suggestions will be appreciated.Thanks in advance. D. W. Jones

\documentclass[12pt]{article}\usepackage{pstricks}\definecolor{light}{rgb}{0.3,0.4,0.6}\usepackage{pst-3dplot}\usepackage{ifthen}\pagestyle{empty}\begin{document} \begin{pspicture}(-1,-2)(4.5,8)\psset{Alpha=120,Beta=20 } \xygrid\pstThreeDCoor[IIIDticks,IIIDlabelsize=0.03,IIIDlabels,xMin= -2,xMax=12,yMin= -5,yMax=13,zMin= 0,zMax=8]\psplotThreeD[plotstyle=line,drawStyle=xyLines,yPlotpoints=78,xPlotpoints=78,linewidth=.2pt](0.5,8)(0.5,8){100 x dup mul y 5 add dup mul add div 1 mul }\end{pspicture}\end{document}

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