another Zoterro webform questionable result,

Mike Marchywka marchywka at
Wed Jun 15 15:35:03 CEST 2022

I ran into this link this AM,

it contains a link to the journal version but as a service to the reader
I'd like to get the bibtex from this link allowing it to be included
as a link to full text as the journal is behind a pay wall. And,
clicking through is a hassle while researching. The Zottero webform
returned the following, 

	title = {Vitamin {D} during pregnancy: why observational studies suggest deficiency and interventional studies show no improvement in clinical outcomes? {A} narrative review},
	shorttitle = {Vitamin {D} during pregnancy},
	url = {},
	urldate = {2022-06-15},
	author = {Goulis, D. G.},

In general their output is quite terse whidh may be configurable in
the real product and may appeal to some users but it leaves out a
bunch of stuff and most warnings I've seen suggest erring on the
side of too much information- a noncluttered bibtex only
matters if you read it and if yo are reading it you probably want
as much info as possible. TooBib however found a lot more by
default ( and I confess to patching it to get the doi which was not
immediately isolated  but will be next time ). 
Note too that Zoterro did not get the author list right or
even indicate a DOI is available. If you had to manually
investigate, which is common, there is nothing to go on. 
If the webform is intended to promote the software to
users "on the fence" it really should be more informative
AFAICT. Running TooBib with "-all" returned a bibtex
entry with only one author matching Zoterro which apparently
was scraped from the thml instead of using the
embedded json info. FWIW. 

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mike marchywka
306 charles cox
canton GA 30115
USA, Earth 
marchywka at
ORCID: 0000-0001-9237-455X

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