a concocted symbol

Haines Brown haines at histomat.net
Sat Oct 30 22:01:56 CEST 2021

On Sat, Oct 30, 2021 at 08:01:29PM +0200, Herbert Voss wrote:
> Am 30.10.21 um 19:01 schrieb Haines Brown:
> > I need to construct a symbol, but worry about its falling apart or
> > becoming distorted when published.
> > 
> > The symbol is a circle enclosing a centered "N" and is attached to an arrow
> >   pointing right:
> > 
> > {\footnotesize{N}}$\kern -0.785em \bigcirc\kern  -0.4em\longrightarrow$
> > 
> > Can this  be done in a way that is simpler or is more stable?
> \documentclass{article}
> \usepackage{graphicx}
> \newcommand\Ncircle{\ensuremath{\textcircled{\scalebox{0.8}{N}}\mkern-8mu\longrightarrow}}
> \begin{document}
> \Ncircle\Huge$\Ncircle$
> \end{document}
> Herbert

Herbert. I like it! One problem is that if I compiile with pdflatex to 
get a pdf or with latex to get a dvi file, the results differ. In the 
dvi file the N breaks through the top of the circle a little. In the 
pdf the N is a bit high, but not so much as to near hi\igging the 
cirfle. When I put the code into a document I happen to be currently 
writing, the N is a bit too low. How is the mu unit measured for /mkern? 
Is it a function of the current font? If so I'll have to specify a 
monospace font

Haines Brown  

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