[EXT] Embedded fonts

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at fu-berlin.de
Sat Jan 25 23:01:11 CET 2020

Am 25.01.20 um 22:14 schrieb Djones9976 via texhax:
> The pdf is attached.   I will appreciate any help you can give.   Thanks

It looks like that you are using PSTricks which doesn't embed a standard
PostScript font like Helvetica:

bash-3.2$ pdffonts Physics\ for\ Scientists\ and\ Engineers\ by\ D.\ W.\ 
Jones\ \(6\).pdf
name type              emb sub uni prob object ID
---------------------------------------------- ----------------- --- --- 
--- ---- ---------
ZLMOBJ+NimbusRomNo9L-Regu                      Type 1C           yes yes 
no          274  0
TBAOIA+NimbusRomNo9L-Medi                      Type 1C           yes yes 
no          283  0
ARKJBL+NimbusRomNo9L-ReguItal                  Type 1C           yes yes 
no          622  0
ADRUVI+CMSY10                                  Type 1C           yes yes 
yes         774  0
VPNZEA+CMMI10                                  Type 1C           yes yes 
yes         788  0
WEJCCP+StandardSymL                            Type 1C           yes yes 
no          784  0
FABXEU+CMR10                                   Type 1C           yes yes 
no          786  0
BGMRNW+CMEX10                                  Type 1C           yes yes 
yes         857  0
[none]                                         Type 3            yes no  
no         1038  0
Helvetica                                      Type 1            no  no  
no         3349  0
HNRWTI+Dingbats                                Type 1C           yes yes 
yes        3610  0
WLCMBK+SFTT1200                                Type 1C           yes yes 
no         5372  0

After running:

pdftops "Physics for Scientists and Engineers by D. W. Jones (6).pdf" xyz.ps

you'll get a PostScript file xyz.ps

Now run

ps2pdf xyz.ps

and the PDF file has now

bash-3.2$ pdffonts xyz.pdf
name type              emb sub uni prob object ID
---------------------------------------------- ----------------- --- --- 
--- ---- ---------
DFCXRC+NimbusRomNo9L-Regu                      Type 1C           yes yes 
no            8  0
NFAYBG+NimbusRomNo9L-Medi                      Type 1C           yes yes 
no           15  0
OLMFOO+NimbusRomNo9L-ReguItal                  Type 1C           yes yes 
no           67  0
ILKRYE+CMSY10                                  Type 1C           yes yes 
yes          89  0
YLULNM+CMMI10                                  Type 1C           yes yes 
yes         100  0
ZRUUVQ+StandardSymL                            Type 1C           yes yes 
no           96  0
UNHUKK+CMR10                                   Type 1C           yes yes 
no           98  0
CINPTF+CMEX10                                  Type 1C           yes yes 
yes         117  0
[none]                                         Type 3            yes no  
no          210  0
YBBZOK+Helvetica                               Type 1C           yes yes 
no         1121  0
GQQFYH+Dingbats                                Type 1C           yes yes 
yes        1213  0
JRONFH+SFTT1200                                Type 1C           yes yes 
no         1910  0


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