endfloat package is re-ordering my subsections

Christopher W. Ryan cryan at binghamton.edu
Thu Apr 23 16:56:30 CEST 2020

Using TexLive on Windows. I'd like to use endfloat. The latex source
file is generated by Sweave from R.  Here is a MWE, modified from the
Sweave-created one.  If you toggle using the endfloat package, hopefully
you will see my problematic results.

Any suggestions?


--Chris Ryan
SUNY Upstate Medical University Binghamton Clinical Campus

\usepackage[margin = 1in]{geometry}
%% \usepackage[nolists, nomarkers]{endfloat}

\author{Christopher W. Ryan, MD, MS, MSPH, PStat}
\title{some dogs}
\date{\today \space \currenttime}



%latex.default(symptom.table, file = "", rowname = NULL, colheads =
c("Symptom",     "Percent of cases"), caption = "some dogs were sick.",
   label = "symptomtable", where = "p")%
\caption{hope the dogs get better.\label{symptomtable}}
\multicolumn{1}{c}{Symptom}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{Percent of
foo &$58.8$\tabularnewline
bar &$58.8$\tabularnewline

\section{Brief summary}

\section{Background and Methods}


\section{Detailed results}


\subsection{this should be subsection 3.1}


%latex.default(labtable, file = "", rowname = NULL, rowlabel = FALSE,
 col.heads = c("Lab", "Number of results", "Percent of all results"),
 caption = "We sent some "lab" tests! Labs used fewer than 10 times are
omitted.",     label = "LabTable", where = "hp")%
A &$785$&49\%\tabularnewline
B &$589$&37\%\tabularnewline

  \caption{here is a dog}\label{LabResultSummary}

  \caption{here is another dog }\label{TurnAroundGraph}
%   \end{figure}

\subsection{this should be subsection 3.2}

\caption{first dog again}\label{epicurve}

\caption{second dog again--the cute one}\label{onsettotestlag}

\subsection{this should be subsection 3.3}


\caption{first dog again. He's cute too.}\label{ems}


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