www type bibtex entries - generating bibtex for webpages + prior theme.

Mike Marchywka marchywka at hotmail.com
Sun Sep 15 23:43:15 CEST 2019

On Sun, Sep 15, 2019 at 11:14:59AM +0100, Peter Flynn wrote:
> Use biblatex for formatting, not BiBTeX, because the older formats tend not

I tried to install it but I'm using revtex4 and probably ran into this problem
( it is loading natbib so I assume same thing but don't have time to track down now),


> > 
> document you can look in the web page and click on "Header" and then
> "Source" where you will find the BiBTeX:
> @incollection{E590001-007,
>   editor 	 = {Aquilla Smith},
>   title 	 = {A Brife description of Ireland: made in this yeere. 1589. By
> Robert Payne. vnto xxv. of his partners for whom he is undertaker there.
> Truely published verbatim, according to his letters, by Nich. Gorsan one of
> the said partners, for that he would his countrymen should be partakers of
> the many good Notes therein conteined. With diuers Notes taken out of others
> the Authoures letters written to his said partners, sithenes the first
> Impression, well worth the reading.},
>   booktitle 	 = {Tracts relating to Ireland, printed for the Irish
> Archaeological Society.},
>   address 	 = {Dublin},
>   publisher 	 = {University Press, Graisberry and Gill},
>   date 	 = {1841},
>   volume 	 = {1},
>   note 	 = {v–viii; 3–14 (separate pagination)}
> }

I guess one thing that may be nice is if sites had a meta field for a link to the bibtex for that page.
It looks like I could have scraped for an href to a bib file though :) 
However, every publisher has some different thing if they have it at all although there
seem to be some shared approaches. The celt thing is nice because you just change the extension.
Once you showed me where it is, it was easy to automate the process for that site assuming
they are consistent. With the link on the clipboard, it uses a new celt handler a few lines
long to make the bib url, and then created a commented entry as shown below.
Note also that I added the source url to the bibtex although the code
has become such a mess that is not always the case but in theory I can
clean up any downloaded stuff, run it in a dummy file to make sure bibtex likes
it, and then finally copy to my main bib files.   Once I made a "plainurl.bst"
I wanted to make sure all my entries had a url field ... 

The first command creates file xxx which has presumed bibtex to be validated
along with the comments from the download script.  

marchywka at happy:/home/documents/latex/proj/happyheart$ med2bib -cite > xxxx
danger check that url is inserted into bibtex doh
try guesscelt
% citeurl:  http://research.ucc.ie/celt/document/E590001-007.bib
leaving guesscelt with handled = 1
marchywka at happy:/home/documents/latex/proj/happyheart$ cat xxxx

%  downloaded by med2bib -cite and -exportbib on   Sun Sep 15 17:29:28 EDT 2019
% srcurl:  http://research.ucc.ie/celt/document/E590001-007
% citeurl:  http://research.ucc.ie/celt/document/E590001-007.bib

  editor 	 = {Aquilla Smith},
  title 	 = {A Brife description of Ireland: made in this yeere. 1589. By Robert Payne. vnto xxv. of his partners for whom he is undertaker there. Truely published verbatim, according to his letters, by Nich. Gorsan one of the said partners, for that he would his countrymen should be partakers of the many good Notes therein conteined. With diuers Notes taken out of others the Authoures letters written to his said partners, sithenes the first Impression, well worth the reading.},
  booktitle 	 = {Tracts relating to Ireland, printed for the Irish Archaeological Society.},
  address 	 = {Dublin},
  publisher 	 = {University Press, Graisberry and Gill},
  date 	 = {1841},
  volume 	 = {1},
  note 	 = {v–viii; 3–14 (separate pagination)}
 , url={http://research.ucc.ie/celt/document/E590001-007}}

After that, it leaves a citation thing on the clipboard that I would just
past into the doc I'm editing,

marchywka at happy:/home/documents/latex/proj/happyheart$ \cite{E590001-007}
cite{E590001-007}: command not found

And the reason I gave up on bash for c++ is all the tentative junk on sites
that don't support bibtex. In the bash scripts, I was struggling to manage the
tentative results and back up - I ended up with temp files etc. 
The c++ has data structures for all these
things and most of it just calls bash things. For example stuff like this lol,

m_rdclip="myclip -echo";
m_rdurl="wget ";
m_copy="xclip -in -l 0  -selection clipboard ";

can execute and I can capture the output or feed input from things in containers.
Even before, I could end up with the original page text, a lynx rendered version,
a related pdf file, that converted to txt, etc. Then to make the bibtex
uniform is probably easier with c++ than sed. 
And all these things that call executables now could be linked into the 
c++ code if I needed say a modified lynx or something.
When it failed digging through it was a mess but here I have an integrated
command line thing using readline and there is always gdb which is probably
less dumb than it sounds :) 


mike marchywka
306 charles cox
canton GA 30115
USA, Earth 
marchywka at hotmail.com
ORCID: 0000-0001-9237-455X

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