Chemical structures with plain TeX

Daniel H. Luecking luecking at
Thu Aug 22 20:58:45 CEST 2019

Rodolfo Medina wrote:

> Years ago I found PPCHTeX, then I stopped my search not needing writing
> chemical for a while.  How is the situation nowadays?  Are there any powerful
> TeX packages and applications for writing Chemistry papers?  (I use plain TeX.)

There is a version of ppchtex in context. In TeX Live one inputs
m-ch-en.tex (for English interface) or m-ch-de.tex or m-ch-nl.tex.
These input ppchtex.noc, which then inputs ppchtex.mkii.

Since, m-ch-en.tex is located in tex/generic/context/ppchtex/ , I assume
it is meant to work in plain TeX. Unfortunately, I cannot find any
documentation (and comments in the file are in Dutch), so I cannot say
how it is meant to be used. It seems to be based on pictex and pstricks.

Good luck,

Daniel H. Luecking, Graduate Coordinator
Dept. of Mathematical Sciences
University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR, USA

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