[texhax] Drawing colored pie chart in KOMA-Class scrreprt (preferably without manually installing pgf-pie

Suresh Govindachar sgovindachar at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 23 19:11:50 CET 2014

On 3/23/2014 10:39 AM, Herbert Voss wrote:
> Am 23.03.2014 17:56, schrieb Suresh Govindachar:
>> The example doesn't work for me either (pdf has only text);  command
>> used on Windows 7 64 bit with MikTex:  xelatex lasecond.tex.  I noticed
>> that the output log files does not have all the messages that xelatex
>> puts out in the console, so have attached the output below;  perhaps the
>> lines marked WARNING provide a clue?:
> I testet it with my Windows 7 in a VM with an up-to-date MiKTeX 2.9
> and had no problem.

It is established that the code works for some people and does not work 
for others.  The question is:  why?  I am on regular Windows 7 64 bit, 
with up to date MikTeX -- does use of pstricks needed additional 
software such as "ghostsrcipt"?  What do the following messages from 
"xelatex lasecond.tex" mean?

** WARNING ** Image format conversion for PSTricks failed.
** WARNING ** Interpreting special command pst: (ps:) failed.
** WARNING ** >> at page="1" position="(227.759, 580.252)" (in PDF)
** WARNING ** >> xxx "pst:  tx at Dict begin STP newpath /ArrowA { moveto } 
def /ArrowB "
** WARNING ** Image format conversion for PSTricks failed.
** WARNING ** Interpreting special command pst: (ps:) failed.
** WARNING ** >> at page="1" position="(227.759, 580.252)" (in PDF)

Anyway, I personally use TikZ and plain TeX, and am only curious about 
why a pstricks example provided by an expert is hard to try out for a 
few users.

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