[texhax] Difficulties installing new fonts for use in LaTeX

Bob Tennent rdt at cs.queensu.ca
Fri Jan 31 18:52:16 CET 2014

 >|I installed the merriweather package in

By "the package" do you mean the tds.zip file? It has
to be installed at the *root* of a texmf tree, such as
/usr/local/texlive/texmf-local. Move that zip file there and try
again. Or use the tlmgr to install the merriweather package for you.

Bob T.

 >|On Jan 31, 2014, at 10:23 AM, Bob Tennent <rdt at cs.queensu.ca> wrote:
 >|>> |The same errors appear when I try to use fonts from this
 >|>> |tug recommended font list http://www.tug.dk/FontCatalogue/ (namely,
 >|>> |Merriweather).
 >|> I'll respond to this as I'm the maintainer of the merriweather
 >|> package. Did you install the merriweather package or try to create
 >|> your own support files using LCDFtools?
 >|> The error messages you're getting are indicative of a failure to
 >|> update font-map files. This would be using
 >|> updmap-sys -enable Map <map file>
 >|> as root if you can or
 >|> updmap -enable Map <map-file>
 >|> if not.
 >|> Bob T.

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