[texhax] MakeIndex help - "Missing number, treated as zero"

Hubert Lam hubert at hubertlam.info
Sun Jul 17 07:22:37 CEST 2011

Hi all

Although I've used LaTeX for almost 8 years now, I've never really had to deal with MakeIndex.

A recent project I'm working on now requires an index, and I've used enumitem to customise the enumerated lists.

Unfortunately that creates this problem when compiling when makeidx is loaded, \makeindex in the preamble and \printindex at the end:

Command Line:   texify.exe --src --tex-option=--synctex=-1 "C:\LaTeX\school\7-10\programs\2009a\mathprogbook.tex"
Startup Folder: C:\LaTeX\school\7-10\programs\2009a


:<+ mathprogbook.bbl
(C:\LaTeX\school\7-10\programs\2009a\mathprogbook.bbl [143]
Overfull \hbox (139.8318pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 576--591
[144] (C:\LaTeX\school\7-10\programs\2009a\mathprogbook.ind
! Missing number, treated as zero.
<to be read again>
l.1 \begin{theindex}

The packages used are these:

\documentclass[landscape,a4paper, 12pt]{report}
\usepackage{array,amssymb, color, graphicx, url,pifont,stmaryrd}
\usepackage{textcomp,ifthen, xifthen,setspace, srcltx, varioref,tabularx, subfigure, float}
\usepackage{pstricks, pst-math, pst-infixplot,pst-eucl, xlop, pstricks-add, polynom, polynomial}

A minimal example of course, works. But I'm just wondering if there's any incompatibility with makeidx and the packages I've loaded (or in that particular order?)


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