[texhax] package for papers

Barbara Beeton bnb at ams.org
Wed Jul 13 22:36:07 CEST 2011

hi, paul,

    Could the list recommend a package for typesetting an academic paper?
    I'm not looking for anything too fancy; as long as it has all the macros
    for dividing the document into the usual sections e.g. an abstract,
    bibliography etc.

if you're thinking of submitting the paper
to a particular journal, see if the publisher
has an applicable package.

if not, either article.cls or amsart.cls has
the same "standard" sectioning structure; the
only real differences are some variations in
the way the top matter is input, and the
appearance of the output.

re the top matter, for article, address and
other author-related information is input
within the author argument; for amsart, these
elements are input separately, following the
author to which they "belong".

regarding appearance, the amsart style is
considerably more subdued (smaller sized
headings, etc.) than the article style.
possibly a difference in how mathematicians
and computer scientists look at the world --
it's subjective.
						-- bb

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