[texhax] Problem with fancyvrb.sty -- if firstline = lastline, all remaining lines are printed.

Niall Mansfield texhax at uit.co.uk
Thu Feb 7 14:03:15 CET 2008

A colleague helped me work out a solution for this.  The patch
is shown below.

This package isn't maintained any more, so I don't know how
to get it into the official distributions.  Therefore I have made
the patch available online at:
and the modified version of the .sty file at:


*** fancyvrb.sty	2008/02/07 12:41:29	1.1
--- fancyvrb.sty	2008/02/07 12:47:19
*** 39,46 ****
   %%   This is a companion to the `fancybox' package.
! \def\fileversion{2.7, with DG/SPQR fixes}
! \def\filedate{2000/03/21}
   \message{Style option: `fancyvrb' v\fileversion \space  <\filedate> (tvz)}
   \csname fancyvrb at loaded\endcsname
--- 39,46 ----
   %%   This is a companion to the `fancybox' package.
! \def\fileversion{2.7a, with DG/SPQR fixes, and firstline=lastline fix}
! \def\filedate{2008/02/07}
   \message{Style option: `fancyvrb' v\fileversion \space  <\filedate> (tvz)}
   \csname fancyvrb at loaded\endcsname
*** 252,264 ****
       \let\FV at FindStartStop\FV at FindStopString
   \def\FV at FindStopNum{%
!   \ifnum\FancyVerbStopNum=\FV at CodeLineNo
       \let\FV at FindStartStop\relax
       \ifeof\FV at InFile\else
         \immediate\closein\FV at InFile
!   \FV@@PreProcessLine}
   %% SR modification begin - 1996
   \def\FV at FindStopString{%
--- 252,268 ----
       \let\FV at FindStartStop\FV at FindStopString
   \def\FV at FindStopNum{%
!   \ifnum\FancyVerbStopNum>\FV at CodeLineNo
!   \else
       \let\FV at FindStartStop\relax
       \ifeof\FV at InFile\else
         \immediate\closein\FV at InFile
!   \ifnum\FancyVerbStopNum<\FV at CodeLineNo
!   \else
!     \FV@@PreProcessLine
!   \fi}
   %% SR modification begin - 1996
   \def\FV at FindStopString{%

On Feb 6,  5:26pm, Niall Mansfield wrote:
 > Subject: Problem with fancyvrb.sty -- if firstline = lastline, all remaini
 > I'm using the excellent fancyvrb.sty package, but
 > have run into a problem:
 >    \VerbatimInput[firstline=5,lastline=6]{test.txt}
 > works fine, and prints lines 5 to 6 inclusive, as expected.
 > However:
 >    \VerbatimInput[firstline=5,lastline=5]{test.txt}
 > starts printing at line 5, and continues to the end of
 > the file.
 > Is there a fix for this, does anyone know?
 >     Thanks,
 >     Niall
 >-- End of excerpt from Niall Mansfield

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