[texhax] paper size in pdflatex

Sebastian Luque spluque at gmail.com
Mon Jun 27 22:14:22 CEST 2005

Dear List members,

I'm having difficulties generating a pdf document with US letter paper
size from a LaTeX source. I've used texconfig to select this size as

> texconfig xdvi us
> texconfig dvips paper letter
> texconfig dvipdfm paper letter
> texconfig pdftex paper letter 

I've also used what I think are appropriate settings in the preamble:

,-----[ preamble ]
| \documentclass[letterpaper, 11pt, notitlepage]{scrreprt}
| \usepackage[margin=3cm]{geometry} %
| \usepackage{amsmath, url, graphicx, lscape, booktabs, setspace, %
|   threeparttable, tabularx, relsize, sectsty, pifont, nccrules} % endfloat
| \usepackage[pointedenum]{paralist}
| \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}   %
| \usepackage{natbib}       %
| \bibpunct{(}{)}{,}{a}{}{,}      %
| \usepackage[thickqspace, thinspace, textstyle]{SIunits} %
| \usepackage[labelsep=period, singlelinecheck=false, %
| labelfont=bf]{caption} %
| \subsectionfont{\normalsize}

The .dvi and .ps output is properly typeset as US letter paper, but if I
use pdflatex *or* ps2pdf, the text is typeset lower and to the right of
the correct region. I have searched extensively for solutions, but I
cannot find what what's wrong here. I'd greatly appreciate any feedback.

Sebastian P. Luque

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