[texhax] Words overflowing the margins

P.Taylor P.Taylor at Rhul.Ac.Uk
Sat Jun 11 13:29:08 CEST 2005

Nicolás wrote:

> Hei!
> I hope you can help me. I am writing a document with LaTex2e where I 
> have words like "ssr:ServiceSessionRequest" or 
> "requesterSessionManager". LaTeX is sometimes writing this words 
> partially in the margin. I do not really want to hyphenate them 
> (although I have tried and it does not work either), so how could I tell 
> latex to write the whole word in the following line and justify the 
> paragraph? Thanks a lot!

You can't!  TeX cannot justify a line where (say)


is the ideal length and you want it to move all of

	ssr:serviceSessionReq + est

to the next line.  The previous line would simply be too short
for LaTeX (or any half-decent typesetting system) to justify,
although undoubtedly Word would think it possible !  I would
very strongly suggest that you set the document \raggedright,
in which case all of your problems will (hopefully) disappear !

Philip Taylor.

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