[texhax] Aligning enumeration labels

bil at beeb.net bil at beeb.net
Tue Dec 13 23:12:32 CET 2005

I'm trying to typeset something which requires an enumeration list,
and some of the items in the list involve a couple of minipage
environments (side by side). The first contains text, while the
second is an \includegraphics command to display an eps image.
It all works fine, except that the numeric label gets vertically
centred, whereas it would look much better in line with the
top line of the test in the minipage. Here's an extract of my code

The union of two disjoint spheres is {\em not} a 
closed surface (disconnected).

Can anyone suggest a suitable way to force either the label up or the text 
down (I tried \raisebox but that breaks the minipage and the text
goes across the graphics image.

Many thanks

| Bill Purvis, Amateur Mathematician    |
|  email: bil at beeb.net                  |
|  http://bil.members.beeb.net          |

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