[texhax] cleardoublepage causes an error in pdf files

Luca Turchetti luca.turchetti at uniroma1.it
Mon Jan 5 14:45:58 CET 2004

I'm using the fancyhdr package to format the page header.

My document is two-sided so, when chapters end on odd pages, a blank
page is generated by the \cleardoublepage command.

Since I don't want any header on those blank pages, i redefined the
\cleardoublepage command as suggested in the fancyhdr package
documentation, adding a \thispagestyle{empty} command:

\renewcommand\cleardoublepage{\clearpage\if at twoside \ifodd\c at page\else

\hbox{}\thispagestyle{empty}\newpage\if at twocolumn\hbox{}\newpage\fi\fi\fi}

After converting the .tex file to .pdf using dvips and then ps2pdf (no,
I cannot use pdftex to avoid passing through the .ps file) I display the
.pdf file with Acrobat Reader. Everything works fine except when I
display the blank pages generated by \cleardoublepage: in this case I
get the following error

"The page contents object has the wrong type"

Does anybody know how to fix this problem?
Thank you
Luca Turchetti

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