[tex4ht] [bug #394] Support for oolatex on Debian

William F Hammond hammond at csc.albany.edu
Wed Jun 27 01:35:06 CEST 2018

Ulrike Fischer <news3 at nililand.de> writes:

> . . .
> I didn't follow (or understand) which path you need to
> find but kpsewhich -expand-var=$TEXMFDIST gives the main
> miktex root on my system.

I think that this is not cross-platform from the command
line because of the various meanings of special characters,
in particular, '$'.  In a GNU/Linux command line either the
'$' needs to be escaped with '\' or the whole first argument
of kpsewhich needs to be enclosed in ascii single quotes so
that the '$' is not intercepted by the shell.

Perhaps:  kpsewhich -var-value=TEXMFDIST

                                    -- Bill

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