[tex4ht] Is this a bug in cutAt for tex4ht?

Nasser M. Abbasi nma at 12000.org
Mon Jun 13 15:33:09 CEST 2016

On 6/13/2016 7:09 AM, Michal Hoftich wrote:
> Hi Nasser,
> I think you should use `\PauseCutAt{section}` in this case, as pausing
> cut at chapter doesn't prevent cutting sections. You also need to use
> `\TocAt{chapter,section,subsection}` instead of
> `\TocAt{section,subsection}`. I don't really understand this issue,
> but local TOCs are obviously confused by cutting.
> Best,
> Michal

Thanks Michal for the hint.

You are right, the problem was the \TocAt{}. I changed
the \TocAt{section,subsection} to \TocAt{chapter,section} and
the error went away!

The strange thing, is that \TocAt{section,subsection}  works,
and it does make a TOC at each section which shows subsections
only as expcted, but it works only if there is
NO \PauseCutAt{section}. So this problem kicks
in only when \PauseCutAt{section} is there and the \TocAt{}
is "wrong".

Below is the updated version which works. I do not understand why
this fixed it, but at least now it works. I'll add this to my tex4ht
cheat sheet to remember it :)

%compile with make4ht foo "htm,3"


%This tells tex4ht to put TOC at each chapter which
%shows sections only. Do not use \TocAt{section,subsection}
%will cause an error if \PauseCutAt is also used. If \PauseCutAt
%is not used, then \TocAt{section,subsection}  works.

\PauseCutAt{section} % do not SPLIT this chapter's sections
\section{A section}
\subsection{A subsection}

\ContCutAt{section}  %start splitting next Chapters
\section{B section}
\subsection{B subsection}


Thank you,

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