[tex4ht] html template

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Tue May 20 23:07:41 CEST 2014


    Is there a template to make the html pages generated by tex4ht look
    better, such as the default in plastex?

I am not aware of a library of tex4ht templates.  We could link
to/distribute them if there are any out there.

The only one I know about personally what is used for the TeX Live
documentation.  You can see the results here:

And here are the source files (css, tex4ht .cfg, makefile that does the
invocations, etc.):

I didn't create it, and to be honest, I rather like the "plain" style
that tex4ht outputs by default, but ...

As for how to configure tex4ht, probably the best place to start are
CVR's blog posts (at least it's more comprehensible to me than anything
else I've seen).  Check the tex4ht category starting at
http://www.cvr.cc/?cat=14 ...

Hope this helps,

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