[tex4ht] [bug #181] Hyperref's nolinkurl not correctly handled by tex4ht when biblatex is present

William F Hammond hammond at csc.albany.edu
Sat Mar 23 20:09:30 CET 2013

CVR --

You write:

> Do we really need
> \href{https://www.tug.org/tex4ht}{\nolinkurl{tex4ht}}?

Yes, for those cases where one wants a link with a visible url
representing the link but the author just wants to display a url
that is not identical (usually not quite identical) to the actual

> Is it not \href{https://www.tug.org/tex4ht}{tex4ht} the correct format?

For this, yes.

> \nolinkurl{...} as per hyperref documentation is meant to print URL
> without a link.

Yes.  AIUI it was provided in hyperref because hyperref took over the
command \url provided by the url package for correct typesetting of
urls.  Hyperref's \url does the same thing as url's \url except that
it provides a link.

Note with hyperref's \url, passed through tex4ht, there are cases in
recent years where, for commercial reasons, http servers re-write the
urls in html href values so as to trap all http requests through that
server and then redirect them to the original urls.  So there are
reasons one might want to avoid using \url altogether and instead do


                                    -- Bill

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