[tex4ht] PS. Again biblatex

Christian Fearnot fearnot at arcor.de
Wed Sep 21 21:27:23 CEST 2011

PS. I found that htlatex works if the LaTeX file contains no footnotes!

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [tex4ht] Again biblatex
Datum: Wed, 21 Sep 2011 14:30:33 -0400
Von: Christian Fearnot <fearnot at arcor.de>
An: tex4ht at tug.org

Again tex4ht does not work on my LaTeX files with biblatex. I use:

Texlive 2010-49.1 under OpenSUSE 11.4.

texlive-tex4ht 2010-49.1

Revision 84

biblatex 1.6 (I have also tried older versions)

I did not forget 'sudo texhash'.

Error message:
l.52 \abx at aux@fnpage{11}{5}

Below is the shortened header. pdflatex processes it witout error. Am I
doing something wrong?


\usepackage[autostyle=true,english=british]{csquotes} %english=british
\newcommand{\styleSatz}[1]{\parskip=4pt \noindent \hangindent=\parindent
\hangafter=0 #1}

\addtokomafont{title}{\rmfamily\mdseries} %Titel mit Serifen und nicht
fett; \normalfont oder \rmfamily\mdseries
\addtokomafont{disposition}{\rmfamily} %Überschriften mit Serifen;
\normalfont oder \rmfamily
%\let\raggedsection\centering %berschriften zentriert
%von Haus aus:
%Formatierung der Fußnoten

\renewcommand*{\bibfont}{\normalfont\footnotesize} %Literatureintrge klein

bookmarksnumbered=true,citecolor=blue, pdfauthor={Egon
Maier},pdftitle={Titel},pdfproducer={Ludwig Maier},pdfkeywords={Mäuse}}
\title{Are Mice Insects?}
\author{Egon Maier}
\date{19 September, 2011}

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