[tex4ht] unicode and lualatex

Johannes Wilm mail at johanneswilm.org
Sun Jul 24 15:14:19 CEST 2011

On Sun, Jul 24, 2011 at 6:04 AM, Ulrike Fischer <news3 at nililand.de> wrote:

> Am Sat, 23 Jul 2011 06:15:33 -0700 schrieb Johannes Wilm:
> > Ok, that worked, the important line was to add
> > \usepackage[utf8]{luainputenc}
> > to the tex-file.
> Fine. And now replace the line above by
> \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
> and then use latex instead of dvilualatex in the batch file: The
> result should be the same. In short: currently you are not gaining
> much by using luatex.

sorry, the old latex just gives me a bunch of other problems that are much
worse. That train has left the station. I am not ever going to back to that
binary. But all the luatex-related problems have been solved for me I think.

> > nor am I allowed to use any font changing packages,
> You can use any latex font package but not the packages which can be
> used only with xelatex or lualatex (like fontspec, luaotfload,
> unicode-math)

Ok, well thanks for the explanation, but I think all these errors have been
fixed by ways of convert to and from ascii before and after using tex4ht.
Yes, this is only a quick-fix, but I'm still not convinced that the ultimate
solution would't be to tap into lua scripting and catch the text there
before it is ever written out to a dvi- or pdf-file.

The pgfplots external legend issues still exists.

Johannes Wilm
tel: +1 (520) 399 8880
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